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姓  名 袁光杰
职  称 副教授
学  科 电子科学与技术
专  业 微电子科学与工程
研究方向 敏感薄膜与传感器、先进集成电路工艺
联系电话 +86-18321270745
通讯地址 智信馆722B室

袁光杰,2014年毕业于东京大学工学部材料工程系并获博士学位,2014-2016年就职于中芯国际集成电路制造(上海)有限公司技术研发中心,2016-2025年就职于上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,并于2025年2月入职同济大学电子与信息工程学院,现任电子科学与技术系预聘副教授。作为负责人完成国家自然科学基金两项,并参与国家重点研发计划等多项国家及省部级项目。发表包括Nature Communications和Sensors and Actuators A: Physical等SCI学术论文30余篇,参编专著1本,授权发明专利9项。


  1. 敏感薄膜与传感器

  2. 先进集成电路工艺


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61704102, 石墨烯和定向碳纳米管复合薄膜制备及其界面热传输研究,2018.01-2020.12,25万元,负责人。

  2. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,51861135105,先进互连技术的扩散阻挡层材料工艺开发和机理研究,2018.01-2022.12,80万元,单位负责人。

  3. 科技部国家重点研发计划战略性先进电子材料专项,2017YFB0406000, 高性能热界面材料基础研究,2017.07-2021.06,163.8万元,主要参与人。


  1. Zhao Y.G., Hu Y.K., Li Z.L., Dong Y., Gu H.R., Sun Y.L., Willenbacher N., Yuan G.J.*, Carbon nanotube/nonwoven fabric-based electronic skins for smart clothing and electronic glove [J]. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2024, 375 (1): 115527.

  2. Dong Y., Hu Y.K., Zhao Y.G., Li Z.L., Gu H.R., Huo J.W., Zhang H., Yuan G.J.*, Graphene-impregnated paper-based electronic skins for robotic intelligence and wireless health monitoring [J]. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2024, 6 (2): 998-1006.

  3. Zhang R., Lv S.G., Li Z.L., Dong Y., Zhao Y.G., Gong W.P., Sun Y.L., Zou X.L., Lu X.G., Yuan G.J.*, Low-power-consumption electronic skins based on carbon nanotube/graphene hybrid films for human–machine interactions and wearable devices [J]. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6 (13): 12338-12350.

  4. Yuan G.J. *, Lv S.G., Zhang R., Liu Z.H., Zhao Y.G., Dong Y., Li Z.L., Gong W.P., Sun Y.L., Flexible, wearable and ultralow-power-consumption electronic skins based on a thermally reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanotube composite film [J]. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2023, 5 (8): 4451.

  5. Lv S.G., Cao Z.P., Ying Z.X., Zhang R., Tian Y.Z., Gong W.P., Yuan G.J. *, Flexible, stretchable, wearable electronic skins based on aligned carbon nanotube fiber arrays for motion detection and human-machine interaction [J]. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2023, 362: 114634.

  6. Zheng H.D., Sun Y.L., Kong D.W., Yin M.C., Chen J., Lin Y.P., Ma X.F., Wang H.S., Yuan G.J., Yao M., Cui X.J., Tian Y.Z., Wang Y.J., Deep learning-based high-accuracy quantitation for lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration from MRI [J]. Nature Communications, 2022, 13: 841.

  7. Yuan G.J.*, Liu Z.H., Cao Z.P., Xie J.F., Li H.H., Li L., Sun Y.L., Tian Y.Z., Direct growth of vertically well-aligned carbon nanotube arrays on atomic layer deposition of ZnO films [J]. Chemical Physics Letters, 2021, 773: 138602.

  8. Jin T., Sun Z.D., Li L., Zhang Q., Zhu M.L., Zhang Z.X., Yuan G.J., Chen T., Tian Y.Z., Hou X.Y., Lee C.K., Triboelectric nanogenerator sensors for soft robotics aiming at digital twin applications [J]. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 5381.

  9. Tian Y.Z., Wang G.P., Li L., Jin T., Xi F.F., Yuan G.J.*, A universal self-adaption workspace mapping method for human-robot interaction using kinect sensor data [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 20 (14): 7918.

  10. Yuan G.J., Xie J.F., Li H.H., Shan B., Zhang X.X., Liu J., Li L., Tian Y.Z., Thermally reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanotube composite films for thermal packaging applications [J]. Materials, 2020, 13 (2): 317.

  11. Yuan G.J., Shimizu H., Momose T., Shimogaki Y., Hot-wire-assisted atomic layer deposition of high-quality Ru thin films in the absence of oxidization [J]. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2020, 9 (2): 0124010.

  12. Tian Y.Z., Liu H.F., L L.i, Wang W.B., Feng J.C., Xi F.F., Yuan G.J.*, Robust identification of weld seam based on region of interest operation [J]. Advances in Manufacturing, 2020, 8 (4): 473.
